Kick-off meeting

ENERGETIC project starts during the 12th and 13th July 2023 Kick-off Meeting in Strasbourg

The ENERGETIC project hosted an in-person Kick-off Meeting to begin its activities.

The ENERGETIC project held its Kick-of Meeting (KoM) on the past 13th and 14th July 2023. The KoM gathered a big number of attendees in Strasbourg, France representing the 14 partners of the consortium formed by seven countries – France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Germany, Serbia, Estonia and Spain.

The main objective was the official launch of ENERGETIC as well as the presentation of the consortium. The meeting focused on relevant aspects for the optimal project development, such as the structure, work packages, tasks and activities.

During the meeting, each representative introduced their company or institution as well as their role during the life of the project.

The KoM went smoothly and according to the agenda. The multidisciplinary expressed a shared willingness and enthusiasm to contribute to project work for the following 39 months and hence face the challenges and achieve the goals defined during the proposal stage through the co-creation of solutions focused on optimizing batteries’ systems utilisation.   

The second day was focused on the explanation of the internal structure of each Work Package (WP), highlighting the objectives, participants, activities and KPIs.

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