The BMS Alliance

Introducing The BMS Alliance

We are excited to announce the creation of The BMS Alliance, a strategic cluster formed under the Horizon Europe programme. This cluster brings together four pioneering projects ENERGETIC, BATMAX, NEXTBMS and NEMO, funded under the same topic, “Physics and data-based battery management for optimised battery utilisation (“Batteries Partnership”). The BMS Alliance aims to foster collaboration and exchange of experiences among these projects, enhancing their collective impact in the field of battery management systems (BMS). 

About the projects 

ENERGETIC focuses on developing the next-generation BMS to optimise battery systems for both transport and stationary applications in a path towards more reliable, powerful, and safer operations. It contributes to the field of translational enhanced sensing technologies, exploiting multiple AI models, supported by Edge and Cloud computing. ENERGETIC will monitor and predict the remaining useful life of a Li-ion battery through a digital twin. 

BATMAX aims to create data-based and adaptable BMS capable of meeting the diverse needs of mobile and stationary applications. The project focuses on enhancing battery performance, safety, reliability, and service life, as well as developing a framework to efficiently parametrise physics-based models. A key outcome is the development of a scalable digital twin framework that integrates advanced battery models with extensive sensor data to monitor battery aging and facilitate key system functions. 

NEXTBMS will develop advanced BMS by deepening the understanding of the physicochemical processes in lithium-ion batteries. The project seeks to optimise sensors and measurement techniques to meet modeling needs and the physical cell configuration to form a framework that supports battery state prediction and control. NEXTBMS will enable higher performance, safety, and longer battery lifetime. 

NEMO combines innovative hardware and software concepts to deliver next-generation BMS. By utilising high-frequency sensor data and dedicated electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) sensors, NEMO aims to identify and monitor electrochemical processes within battery cells and track their evolution over time. This approach will significantly extend battery life and enhance safety for automotive and stationary applications over the long term. 

The BMS Alliance 

The formation of the BMS Alliance is driven by a shared vision: to advance state-of-the-art in battery management systems through collaborative efforts that leverage unique strengths of each project. 

The primary goals of the cluster are: 

  • Enhance communication and dissemination. By working together, the projects will create synergies in communication and dissemination activities such as social media outreach, events participation and organisation of webinars. 
  • Share knowledge and best practices. The cluster will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among the members of each project.  
  • Maximise impact. Through coordinated activities, the cluster seeks to generate a bigger impact than the individual projects could achieve alone. This includes influencing policy, engaging with industry stakeholders, and contributing to the advancement of battery technology. 

The BMS Alliance is committed to developing communication and dissemination synergies through a series of joint activities.  

The first step of our collaboration has started through social media platforms. Interactions and joint social media campaigns will further amplify the projects’ reach and impact, achieving a broader audience and fostering greater awareness of their work. 

The projects will collaboratively monitor, attend, and organise events. These will provide opportunities to share knowledge, present research findings, and network with industry experts and stakeholders. 

The BMS Alliance will host a series of webinars starting with a presentation of the cluster goals and initial projects results and following with webinars on more technical topics. These will offer a platform for the projects to showcase their innovations, discuss challenges, and explore future directions. 

To further support collaboration, we have launched a new section on the ENERGETIC project website dedicated to collaborations. This section features detailed information about the projects within The BMS Alliance, providing a centralised resource for the public to learn about our ongoing collaborative actions. 

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